Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Loving Me Some Red

Red has always been my favorite color for everything. I am an Aries so maybe that is why I love it so much. I had never tried it on a piece of furniture though, as we all know it is so hard to cover anything with red paint. I have been seeing so many beautiful pieces all over Pinterest so I just couldn't hold out any longer. I was given a great buffet from a family member who moved and I thought it would be the perfect piece to recreate with red. A buffet can be a statement piece in any room, but when painted red it will really stand out.
The final project landed in the front window display in Serendipity for a few weeks before it was purchased by a woman who is rebuilding her home after the terrible flooding in Owego, NY in September 2011. She fell in love with it from what I understand and had to have it. It is nice to know it will be going with someone who will love and appreciate it. Now all I have are the picture to remember it by...
I used a dry brush technique all over the piece with the exception of the appliques on the front doors and the top, which I left the natural color that I received it in.
It had some beautiful details on the legs.
All the hardware was original.
Some pieces I find really hard to part with and this was one of them...oh well, on to the next one!

reuse. repurpose. reinvent

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Opening Week

The opening week of Green Queen Boutique was a huge success. With a few hurdles along the way, many late nights completing more projects, and sleepless nights dreaming up new ideas, I couldn't be more pleased. The overall reception of my pieces had been amazing and I was lucky enough to sell more in one week then I did in my two and a half months at the last location. I guess what they say, "location is everything", is true. Although I don't have any before and afters on my pieces, I do have many after pics to share...

A hanging light fixture made from a bamboo birdhouse.
A turquoise dresser, distressed and glazed with burnt sienna, next to a heavily distressed black dresser.

A dry brushed and hand painted numbered dresser.

A sweet little vanity with glass knobs.
Wooden table top finials made from bedposts and other wooden pieces.

For more pics from opening day and to see what the other businesses are selling, "Like" Green Queen Boutique on facebook.

reuse. repurpose. reinvent

Friday, January 20, 2012

It's a For Real, No Joke, Business!

It has been two months since my last post. So much has happened to me in these last two months, I can't even begin to put them all on "paper". There have been major ups and downs. The low points have made me reach higher and motivate me to do more then I thought I could. I have been waiting to share my exciting news with everyone and now is the time...

I am going into business! A real business, with a storefront location, and everything! I will be located in beautiful Owego, NY on River Row. The back of the store overlooks the Susquehanna River. The store front didn't fare too well after the epic flood of fall 2011 so it is still in the process of being renovated. Hopefully we will be in there soon and open for business in the first half of February. Isn't she a beauty?

How this all came to fruition is a story for another day, but I am not doing this alone. There are three wonderful and talented ladies that are joining me. I will highlight each one in a future blog post. The store is called Serendipity. Don't you just *LOVE* the name? It will have creations from Green Queen Boutique, Briar Patch Candles, Sugarcoat Couture, and Lisa B. Designs.

I have been busy getting furniture pieces ready for sale. I need a manicure so bad...paint has become one with my hands and nails. Pics will follow(of the furniture - NOT my hands)! I am constantly forgetting that step - but it is great to share them so I need to remember. Until then...

reuse. repurpose. reinvent

Friday, November 18, 2011

Holiday Open House

The time is here! Tomorrow morning I will officially be out there with the public. Green Queen Boutique makes it's debut at Avenue Antiques. I have been non-stop-busy refinishing furniture, designing wall hangings, and making Christmas decor to fill my booth. I have met some great people this week at the store and look forward to meeting more tomorrow. Here is a little sneak peak of my booth.

I have been so preoccupied that I didn't even think to take pictures - well that is not entirely true. The thought did fly in and out of my brain over the last week, but I just failed to make it a priority. My husband said I will regret it if I don't take any pictures, and he is right. I plan on taking as many I can as soon as the store opens, before anything sells. Now as I am restocking I will take pictures, and even may try my hands at a tutorial or two. If anyone is local - I would love to see you at Avenue Antiques tomorrow from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Come in for a visit, enjoy some coffee and snacks, and do some holiday shopping while you are there!

reuse. repurpose. reinvent

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

retail...Here I Come!

I have taken the first steps in completing my long term goal. I have decided to go retail. I will be setting up shop in a great arts and antique shop Avenue Antique Gallery. I have been ridiculously busy making more furniture pieces, as well as some Christmas items, to be ready for their holiday open house on November 19th. The plan is to set up shop this weekend, then fine tune it throughout the rest of the week. If all goes as planned my grand opening will be the same day at the open house. I am beyond excited and can't keep a clear thought in my head. I will share more as this whole crazy adventure begins! Wish me luck!

reuse. repurpose. reinvent

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I am a Roadkill Rescuer!

The other day I was checking out all the cool blogs I go to on daily basis and again stumbled on the coolest blog, Roadkill Rescue.

The whole idea is finding junk that other people are throwing away - lost gems found on the curb - and repurpose them or bring new life to a piece you would be proud to own. HELLO! This is what I have been doing forever. Even though I am so new to blogging and haven't found my groove yet, I decided to submit one of my past projects thinking that maybe I had a slight chance of being featured on this blog. Within the hour that I submitted my project, I received the most wonderful email back from the site's author, Beckie, who is so sweet to tell me how much she liked my project. It made my day! She also told me that I would be featured on her blog! So...today is that day! The endtable makeover I did for my daughter is the featured project. So go on over and check it out, and while your are there, take the time to look at all of Beckie's amazing blogs below.

reuse. repurpose. reinvent

Visit thecsiproject.com

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

She's Here!

It is the package I have been waiting for, the one I have dreams about, the one that will make my life more creative and easier....my Silhouette SD! I have named her Betty and have high hopes that she will bring lots of happiness to my life. I will be posting more soon - I have some great projects planned with Betty that I can't wait to share. Until then...

reuse. repurpose. reinvent